Meet Brian Bailey, the vice chairman of the board for Three Dimensional Life and a member of the Gainesville Jaycees.
Brian is a man who has lived in many places during his 34 years but loves the community he has chosen to settle down in and calls Gainesville his home.
Brian attended the University of Georgia after graduating high school in Conyers. During his time at UGA, Brian majored in real estate.
After college in Athens, he moved to Florida, then it was on to Denver. During his time in Denver, Brian learned that he can’t be far away from family. From Denver he moved to Athens then to Charleston with his wife Savannah. The couple was married in July 2010. About four months after their marriage, Brian and Savannah moved to Hall County where they now live with their dog, Maddie.
Recently, we were fortunate enough to enjoy a cup of coffee with Brian and ask a few questions about his life here in Hall County.
Question: What inspired you or led you to your current career?
Answer: “I’m an Eagle Scout, and being a boy scout when I was younger made me want to give back to the community.”
Q: What is your favorite restaurant in Hall County, and what do you love there?
A: “Recess. I always get the meatloaf.”
Q: How long have you lived or worked in Hall County?
A: “Since 2010, so about six and a half years.”
Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in Hall County?
A: “Gus Whalen. He counseled me and was a supporter of the boy scouts.”
Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? And why?
A: “Costa Rica. It was the first trip I took with my wife.”
Q: What is your favorite movie OR what is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
A: “The first was ‘Pet Sematary.’ My mom was not happy that my dad took me. My movie favorite is ‘Pulp Fiction.’”

Q: What advice would you give a crowd of people?
A: “To quote Andrew Carnegie, do your part a little more, and the future will work itself out.”
Q: What are three bands you would like to see (dead or alive)?
A: “Alan Jackson, The Cars and Def Leppard.”
Q: What former local business makes you the most nostalgic about Hall County?
A: “Brad’s Grill. I miss the Messy Burger so much!”
Q: Choosing anyone alive and a non-relative: with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? Where in Hall County would you have this lunch?
A: “Jack Welch. He was so instrumental in the business world. We would have lunch at Recess.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about Hall County?
A: “Definitely the people. The people here are more generous than anywhere I’ve ever lived.”
Q: Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years?
A: “I would love to be a parent, I would also like to see myself in a position to continue to improve quality of life for this community.”
Q: (Even friends or family), what is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
A: “I love woodworking.”
Q: What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
A: “Comfortable, warm and retreat.”
The Faces of Hall County is a project to showcase the amazing people that live or work in our community. If you would like to nominate an interesting person to be featured please email