Ben Hawkins has livedĀ in Hall County his entire life. Ben is a dentist in Gainesville working alongside his father, Dr. and Ga. State Representative Lee Hawkins, at Hawkins Family Dentistry. His office is located along historic Green Street in downtown Gainesville.
Ben Hawkins
Ben and his wife, Suzie, are the proud parents of fourĀ children. Ben loves the outdoors, the Brenau Mile, the University of Georgia, large families and golf.Ā  He is a very active memberĀ of our community.Ā  We recently caught up with Ben to ask about his interests and views on living in Hall County.
Question: If you could have lunch with anyone (alive and a non-relative), who would it be?
Answer: ā€œAny good friend. It would just be soĀ nice to sit down andĀ enjoy the company of friends without four kids running around.ā€
Q: If you give a piece of advice to a crowd of people what would you say?
A: ā€œFigure out what you enjoy and do that in life and enjoy being good at it.ā€
Q: At what point in your life have you felt the most satisfied?
A: ā€œCurrently, because Iā€™m achieving my goals, love my family and I enjoy my job.ā€
Q: Who are two musical artists you would love to see in person?
A:Ā “Merle Haggard and Grateful Dead.”
Q:Ā What is your favorite movie?
A:Ā “‘Forrest Gump’ or ‘Shawshank Redemption.'”
Q: What is your favorite social outing in Hall County?
A: ā€œPlaying a golf foursome at the Hooch.ā€
Q: What is your favorite thing about Hall County?
A: ā€œThe lake and the people are what make Hall County great.ā€
The Faces of Hall County is a project to showcase the amazing people that live or work in our community. If you would like to nominate an interesting person to be featured please email