In Memory of J B Johnston who passed away in 2016.  This interview was done in the year before his passing.
J B Johnston was an Insurance Broker with the Norton Agency for 27 years. Before becoming an insurance broker, he worked with the Atlanta Falcons.
With an obvious love for football, it came as no surprise that the time in his life when he felt the most satisfied was in 1953 when the University of Miami defeated Florida with him as their quarterback.
His favorite things about Hall County are the people, the climate and the location. J B Johnson 2Recently, we asked J B a few questions about his life, likes and interests to share with you.
Question: If you could only eat at one place for an entire week in Hall County, where would it be?
Answer: Luna’s.
Q: How long have you lived in Hall County?
A: Since 1978, when I moved here from Jekyll Island with the Atlanta Falcons. I was responsible for building the camp in Suwanee.
Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met in Gainesville?
A: Eddie Staub
Q: If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?
A: Without skipping a beat, JB answered, “Wetumpka, Alabama.” We looked at each other for several moments before he let me off the hook by saying, “or Rome…Italy, not Georgia.”
Q: What is your favorite song?
A: “Singing in the Rain” because I loved watching Gene Kelly dance to it. Did you know that he did that scene with a horrible case of the flu?
Q: If you had my job, what question would you ask?
A: “Who does your hair?”
Q: What is your favorite social outing in Gainesville?
A: Golf.
Q: Do you have a favorite sandwich?
A: A Cuban.
Q: What advice would you give a crowd of people?
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone, alive and a non-relative, who would it be?
A: Donald Trump.

  • Why? “So I could pick on him”
  • What if another seat opened up-who would join you? “Mark Richt”
  • Where would you have this lunch? “Luna’s”

The Faces of Hall County is a project to showcase the amazing people that live or work in our community. If you would like to nominate an interesting person to be featured please email