The Rev. Wendy Cordova is a pastor here in Hall County at Gainesville’s First United Methodist Church. Wendy joined the First Methodist family in 2007. Cordova is originally from Maine, but is thoroughly enjoying her time in the South. Not only is she loving the culture she is loving the people, especially the members in her church. Wendy’s favorite thing about the community is the connectedness between people. She says, “Gainesville is small enough to feel like you know everyone.”Wendy Cordova
Cordova says she feels the most satisfied when she is teaching or preaching. When she has the sense of being in the zone… the feeling that what she is doing is what God wants her to do.
Abernathy Cochran Realtor Beverly Filson says, “Wendy is an amazing pastor and a wonderful friend.”
We recently caught up with Cordova to find out about her interests and thoughts about the area.
Question: If you could travel to anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Answer: Italy because of the culture and the history of the Vatican Church.
Q: What is your favorite social outing in Hall County?
A: The outdoor community events, music events and especially the John Jarrard concerts.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: “The Princess Bride”
Q: What are your favorite local restaurants?
A: Mellow Mushroom and Recess
Q: Who is the most interesting person you have met while her in Hall County?
A: Frank Downing, a member of the her church and WWII Veteran.
Q: Who are the top three musicians you would like to have a conversation with?
A: Bono, Dolly Parton and Amy Grant.
Q: If you could give a piece of advice to a crowd of people what would you say?
A: “Slow down and take time to be present with yourself and God.”
The Faces of Hall County is a project to showcase the amazing people that live or work in our community. If you would like to nominate an interesting person to be featured please email